In 2006, we created a Short Comedy (Parody) called Bollywood North. You are all welcome to attend to our Premiere.
The Producers, Philippe Paquette and Tiffani Murray are inviting you to our movie "Premiere" on Sunday, November 25 at 8:00pm.
Event: Premiere
"Plasma Films' short film Bollywood North" (Comedy/Parody) Short, 18 minutes.
What: Cocktail Party
Host: Plasma Films
When: Sunday, November 25 at 8:00pm
Where: The New Jazz'oo Café Villa, 132 Sparks Street , Ottawa
(see map here)
Price: Free entry and we invite our guests to give a suggested donation to finance our next film venture.
Cash Bar, red carpet, dress casual chic.
Come and meet the Director, Producers, some Actors and see the film. Also, a short presentation on our future ventures will be presented.
The evening should end approximately at 10 pm.
Please see attached invitation on the right or photos link at the bottom of this Post.
RSVP required to
Please send out this invitation to all your friends.
We thank you for your support and interest in the Film Industry and in Plasma Films Inc.
Philippe Paquette, Tiffani Murray
Plasma Films
(613) 799-4321
Event: Premiere
"Plasma Films' short film Bollywood North" (Comedy/Parody) Short, 18 minutes.
What: Cocktail Party
Host: Plasma Films
When: Sunday, November 25 at 8:00pm
Where: The New Jazz'oo Café Villa, 132 Sparks Street , Ottawa
(see map here)
Price: Free entry and we invite our guests to give a suggested donation to finance our next film venture.
Cash Bar, red carpet, dress casual chic.
Come and meet the Director, Producers, some Actors and see the film. Also, a short presentation on our future ventures will be presented.
The evening should end approximately at 10 pm.
Please see attached invitation on the right or photos link at the bottom of this Post.
RSVP required to
Please send out this invitation to all your friends.
We thank you for your support and interest in the Film Industry and in Plasma Films Inc.
Philippe Paquette, Tiffani Murray
Plasma Films
(613) 799-4321
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